Property Details

210 S Main

Block: 5
Lot: 5
Legal: LUSK OT BLK 5 LOT 5

The Lusk Herald was in this location in 1889-1909

There was a bakery in this space beginning in 1945.

Don Carpenter operated a Barber Shop on the North Side of this building; Terry Griffith operated a Barber Shop after that.

Businesses at This Property

Date Range Business Owner Type Notes
- Lusk, Frank S.
- Auction House Mahnke, Arthur W. Warranty Deed Barber shop/north side of Mahnke Bldg. Don Carpenter followed by Terry Griffith
03/06/1888 - Streeter, Daniel D. Warranty Deed
10/01/1889 - Lusk Herald (newspaper) Mayes, James E. Warranty Deed
11/01/1909 - Lusk Herald (newspaper) Forsythe, George Warranty Deed
08/14/1933 - Loveland, Lillian F., et al Warranty Deed
08/07/1939 - Whittlock, Oscar J. Warranty Deed
04/10/1945 - Bakery McKnight, Elvie L. Warranty Deed
02/01/1973 - Shepard, Melvin D. Warranty Deed

Images & Attachments


McKnight Bakery - image from 1947 Lusk High School yearbook

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