Myron D. Gilbert
Myron Gilbert Found Dead of Gun Wound In Ranch Home Sunday
Myron D. Gilbert, 23-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard H. Gilbert, was found dead in his parents ranch home four miles northeast of Lost Spring Sunday having been accidently shot through the head with a .22 caliber rifle. He was found by his parents and 15-year-old sister after they returned from Sunday School services at Shawnee.
The evidence shows that the accident happened between 10:30 a.m. and noon as he had started to take down the loaded rifle from two nails in a washroom of the Gilbert home. The trigger gard had evidently been hooked on one of the nails to keep the gun from sliding off since the nails were set at a downward angle. It is thought the gun discharged when the trigger was pulled on one of the nails. The bullet entered his head at a slanting angle in the center of his temple. After he was shot he took a few steps.
As he was dressed in warm outdoor clothing it is assumed that he was going rabbit hunting or target shooting.
Niobrara County Sheriff Ben F. Brown and Patrolman M. S. Jordan investigated the accident. No inquest is to be held. The bullet was removed by Dr. E. L. Lindahl.
Funeral services were tentatively pending on the arrival of an older brother Marvin from Indiana.
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Related/Linked Records
Record Type | Name | |
Obituary | Gilbert, Leonard (11/24/1893 - 11/25/1970) | View Record |