Obituary Details

Catherine Phelan

(11/30/-0001 - 03/31/1953)
Courtesy of The Lusk Herald, 04/09/1953

Grandmother of Mrs. James Barrett Dies

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Barrett and children of Lusk left Wednesday for Rawlins where they will attend the funeral of Mrs. Barrett's grandmother, Mrs. Catherine Phelan.

Mrs. Phelan had spent the last month in Califonia visiting with a daughter and husband, Dr. and Mrs. T. E. Wilson, when she fell and broke her hip, causing her death. She died at the home of Dr. Wilson. Mrs. Phelan was 90 years of age and a pioneer of Wyoming.

Her body was brought back to Rawlins for burial by the Wilsons and another daughter and husband, Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Thompson of Eugene, Ore. Mrs. J. C. Martinez of Rawlins, mother of Mrs. Barrett, is a third surviving daughter. A sister, Mrs. Nell Hearst of Omaha is expected to be present for the funeral. Other sisters of Mrs. Barrett who will be home are Mrs. Larry McGovern of Pasadena, Calif., and Miss Mary Martinez of Wichita, Kan. Another sister, Mrs. Bard Ferrall of Cheyenne will be unable to attend because of illness.

Mrs. Barrett and children plan to spend a week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Martinez before returning to Lusk.

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