Obituary Details

George S. Mill

(10/08/1906 - 11/06/1975)
Courtesy of The Lusk Herald, 11/13/1975

Life-Time Area Rancher Dies Friday

George S. Mill, son of a pioneer family and a lifelong resident on the family ranch in the Hat Creek area, died Friday morning at the Lusk Hospital. Saturday the Peet Chapel was filled beyond comfortable capacity and many people stood during the funeral.

Mr. Mill, 69, was a community leader with a special interest in promoting and improving the livestock business. In recognition of his service directly to agriculture and the livestock industry in particular he was elected to the Northern International Livestock Exposition Hall of Fame in Billings, Mont.

He was an active member of the Wyoming Stock Growers Association and served as chairman of the Wyoming Livestock and Sanitary Board. He served as judge at the National Western Stock Show in Denver a number of times and judged carlot bull shows in 1956, 57, and 58.

Mill's knowledge in the livestock business stemmed from actual experience on the Mill ranch where he raised championship Hereford cattle taking several calf awards at the Omaha Market Auction and feeder sales.

In support of commercial breeding cattle he originated the Mill Heifer Award which is given annually to a Niobrara 4-H Member.

G. S. Mill was born on the ranch October 8, 1906, to Jacob and Phillaphena Mill. He took his elementary and high school training in Lusk, and attended the University of Nebraska.

December 10, 1928, he and Inice Boon of Alliance were married. They moved to the original home ranch where Mr. Mill was associated with his father who had come to the area in 1873 from Germany. The ranch that Jacob Mill put together eventually turned out to be one of the largest units in the area encompassing some 10,000 acres and at one time running 40,000 head of sheep and 2,000 head of cattle.

In addition to the livestock industry George Mill's business interest was in banking. He was past president of the First National Bank of Pinedale and was associated with other banks in Wyoming.

George and Inice Mill were the parents of two daughters Mrs. Jim (Carla) Reed and Mrs. (Pete) Wanda Hansen and had six grandchildren, Jake, Lori and Jeff Reed, and Cheryl, Susan and Christine Hansen

He is survived by the immediate family and a sister, Mrs. Bertha Boyd of Lusk. Preceding him in death was his granddaughter Christine, brothers Dave and Bill Mill, and sister Tina Strube.

Presiding at the funeral Saturday afternoon was the Rev. Delbert Dick of Wheatland. Organist was Mrs. Gerald Bardo who accompanied Tim Johnson singing "Sweet Hour of Prayer" and "Crossing The Bar."

Interment was in the Lusk Cemetery. Pallbearers were S. E. West, Gene Lenz, both of Lusk; Dick Morris, Osage; Robert Darrow, Denver; Bill Coffee, Harrison; Bob Boner, Glenrock.

Honorary bearers were Levern James, Bill Miller, Jim Thompson, Ray Reed, Jess York, Ted Lohr, Bob Scott, Russ Thompson, Paul Percival and Wayne Irwine of Sac City, Iowa.

Down through the years the Mill family has strived to keep the ranch a symbol of the two pioneers (Jacob and Phillaphena) who founded it and in tribute, Inice Mill wrote:

"The ranch and its buildings stand as a fitting monument to the two founders who built and worked here, thru good times and bad, for the accomplishment of their purpose. The buildings still stand by the creek, the cattle still graze on the meadow, and may the memories of those who labored here live forever."

Images & Attachments

George S. Mill
Photo courtesy of the Joshua Brackett Eagle Scout Project
Inice and George Mill, photo courtesy of Wanda Hansen

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