Obituary Details

Christine Marie Hansen

(12/22/1960 - 11/20/1968)
Courtesy of The Lusk Herald, 11/28/1968

Services for Christine Hansen Are Held Friday

Funeral services for eight-year-old Christine Hansen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hansen, were held at the Peet Chapel Friday afternoon with the Reverend Delbert Dick of Wheatland officiating.

Susan Baribeau, Tibbie McNutt, Beverly Anderson and Vivian Lenz, all junior high students, sang "Just for Today" and "Evening Prayer" accompanied by Mrs. Gerald D. Bardo, organist.

Casket bearers were Kenneth Freeman, Don Whiteaker, Melvin Merchen and Bob Boner.

Christine Marie Hansen was born December 22, 1960, in Lusk, the third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Hansen, ranchers in the Hat Creek area. She was stricken with leukemia when three-and-a-half-years old and had been under doctors care ever since.

Enrolled in the second grade in the Lusk Grade School Christine was an excellent student in spite of her illness. A courageous child with a sunny disposition one of her greatest loves was her school work and her greatest concern with her illness was that it kept her from attending school.

Christine had been in Denver for several weeks of treatment and released to return to the family home November 18. Tuesday morning, Nov. 19, she developed pneumonia and was rushed to the hospital in Torrington where she died at 12:30 p.m. the next day.

Relatives and friends from out-of-town attending the service were Mrs. Chris Christensen, Denver, Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mill, Loveland, Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Courteney and family, Mrs. Ab Harris, Mrs. Burt Jones, Mrs. Earl Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Don App, Torrington; Mr. and Mrs. John Yardley, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lore, Mrs. Bill Canady, Douglas; Mrs. Bob Coupens, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mill, Ed Strube, Casper; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hashman and Donna, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jensen, Alliance, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Boner, Glenrock; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Coon, Greeley, Colo.; Mrs. Willadel Wedemore, Ft. Collins, Colo.; Mrs. Grady Criss, Chadron, Nebr.

The Lusk Herald
November 21, 1968
Christine Hansen Dies Wednesday

Christine Hansen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hansen, died in the Goshen County Memorial Hospital at Torrington about noon Wednesday. Christine, Lusk second grade student, would have been eight-years-old next month.

Christine had been ill with leukemia for some time. At the Herald's presstime Wednesday funeral arrangements had not yet been made.

Mr. and Mrs. Hansen operate a ranch in the Hat Creek area.

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