Obituary Details

Earl W Beabout

(0 - 10/11/1937)
Courtesy of The Lusk Herald, 10/14/1937


Earl W. Beabout, formerly a resident of the Flattop country, died in Pierre, So. Dak. October 11, from a skull fracture and other injuries. Mr. Beabout was employed as a passenger brakeman, making his home in Rapid City, but one end of his run was at Pierre. He had a room there and it was in mounting the steps to his room that he fell, causing a fractured skull and other internal injuries from which he died without regaining consciousness. He had been troubled recently from high blood pressure and that may have had something to do with the fall.

He is survived by his wife and also two brothers, who reside in Nebraska. George Earl Peet of the Peet Mortuary sent the hearse to Rapid City for the remains, John Rice making the trip.

Funeral services were held from the Catholic Church in Lusk at 10:30 Wednesday morning. the pallbearers were Joe Foy, Arthur Fahy, Joe Kuhn, Chas. Gaukel, Pat Fay and Harry Fahy.

He was a member of the brotherhood of Railway Trainmen and several members of this organization from Chadron came up to attend the funeral. They were W.E. Riley, H. Currie, J. Hamass and V. Vare. They acted as honorary pallbearers. 

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Related/Linked Records

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Cemetery Record BEABOUT, EARL W. View Record
Obituary Beabout, Helen (01/21/1886 - 05/14/1982) View Record
Historical Flattop Postoffice View Record
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