Wilburn "Buster" Henry Gemmill
The vicinity of Node has passed thro quite a strenuous and thrilling experience within the last week. Last Friday evening, about 8 o'clock, a cyclone passed over and took everything that happened to be in its path, the dwelling house of John Ohlsen and the section house being taken off their foundations and scattered in splinters and their contents strewn for miles over the prairie. Mr. Ohlsen's family escaped miraculously. Mr. Ohlson and little 10-year-old Frances were the worst bruised and the mother and the other four children escaped with a few scratches. Mr. Gemmill's family in the section house was more unfortunate and it is with profound sadness that we report the death of little 5 year old Wilbur, known so familiarly to all as "Buster." Hazel, 4 years old, was very badly cut about the face and head, her left leg was broken near the hip joint and she was badly bruised all over the body. Mr. and Mrs Gemmill were badly bruised and the latter has several cuts about the head and it was thot for a while that Mr. Gemmill would be paralyzed but they are all getting along nicely now. The baby was unhurt as the mother kept him in her arms throughout the ordeal. Roadmaster Hooker of the C. & N. W. Ry., provided passes for the little girl and her parents, and all went to the Douglas hospital Tuesday for treatment. Mrs. Joe Shoemaker, who is ever ready to give a helping hand to anyone in distress, will take care of the baby during its mother's absence. The town of Node, not being in the line of the twister, was not damaged to any great extent, the stores suffering chiefly from rain which flooded the ground floors. Few windows were broken because there was little or no hail.
The funeral of little Wilber Gemmill was held Sunday at 10 o'clock in the Congregational Church Rev. Long of Lusk officiating. Interment in the Lusk cemetery.
Mrs. Astin, of Lusk, and Miss Klopfer, of Node, have been nursing the little Gemmill girl at the restaurant under the directions of Drs. Stephenson, Priest, and Mitchell.