Charles D. Carey
Charles D. Carey and Wife Are Both Killed in Auto Accident
Prominent Stockman's Car Demolished When it Strikes Railroad Underpass at Cheyenne; Cause of Accident Probably Will Never Be Definitely Known
Cheyenne, Wyo., Jan. 7. -- Charles D. Carey, 53, one of the most widely known cattlemen in the West, brother of U. S. Senator Robert D. Carey, was fatally injured, and his wife, Julianne Doane Carey, 36, was instantly killed when their car struck the center support of a railroad underpass here Sunday evening.
Traveling into Cheyenne at a high rate of speed, their heavy Reo automobile crashed into the concrete center support of the Colorado & Southern railroad underpass, about a mile west of the city limits.
Officers and those to arrive first at the scene were doubtful if the exact cause of the accident would ever be learned. A few days previously, it is reported, Carey had the steering gear of his car worked on, and it may be that this was the cause of the accident.
Mrs. Carey was dead when rescuers reached the scene, and Carey was so badly injured that he died within a short time after reaching the Memorial Hospital without regaining consciousness.
Charles D. Carey has long been a leading figure in the civic and political life of Wyoming, and was one of the State's native sons. His mother, Mrs. Louisa Carey, died last Thanksgiving day.
Carey was a prominent member of the Wyoming Stock Growers Association and was first vice president of the American National Livestock Association. He was a Democrat and had been prominently mentioned for the Governorship many times.
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Related/Linked Records
Record Type | Name | |
Obituary | Carey, Robert (08/12/1878 - 01/17/1937) | View Record | Obituary | Carey, Julianne (06/13/1896 - 01/06/1935) | View Record | Historical | Hat Creek Dateline: 1878/10/18 | View Record | Historical | Hat Creek Dateline: 1878/11/07 | View Record |