Ole Anderson
Ole Anderson Dies Here Tuesday
Ole Anderson, 85, long-time resident of Niobrara county, succumbed at the Spencer Hospital about 2:30 a.m., Tuesday, April 16, after being in failing health for the past year, although he had only entered the hospital on the previous Saturday.
He had made his home on a ranch north of Lusk at a location known as "Under the Rim Rock," northwest of the Will Magoon ranch, for many years.
For the past year of more his daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Beagle, have made their home at the Anderson ranch, so that Mrs. Beagle might care for her father.
Mr. Anderson is survived by another daughter, Minnie Anderson; a son, Carl Anderson, at North Platte, Neb., and a brother who lives near Omaha, Neb.
Funeral services will be held this (Thursday) afternoon at the Peet Chapel at 2:00 o'clock, with Rev. Lawrence P. Juell officiating.
The Lusk Herald, April 25, 1946
Funeral services for Ole Anderson were conducted from the Peet Chapel on Thursday afternoon, April 18, at two o'clock.
Rev. Lawrence P. Juell, pastor of the Congregational Church of Lusk, officiated. Mrs. H.J. Templeton sand "In the Garden," and "This World is Not My Home." She was accompanied by Mrs. J.P. Watson.
Interment was made in the Lusk Cemetery, and the who conducted the remains to the last resting place were: Will Magoon, Gerhard Vick, Roy Maquire, Wes Neal, Charles Blagg and Dave Kimborough.
Mr. Anderson was born at Mineral Point, Wisconsin on October 11,1860. His wife preceded him in death in 1903. In 1916 he located on some land 25 miles north of Lusk, where he engaged in the livestock business and where he has made his home since.
He was a cordial and likeable neighbor and will be missed by the friends he had acquired during the 30 years' residence in this community.
Surviving him are two daughters, Mrs. Ann Beagle of Lusk and Minnie Anderson of Casper, and a son, Carl, of North Platte, Neb.; also a brother, A.C. Anderson of Bancroft, Neb., and one grandchild and one great-grandchild.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson and Miss Minnie Anderson were all here for the funeral service.
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Related/Linked Records
Record Type | Name | |
Obituary | Beagle, Anna (09/14/1887 - 09/17/1972) | View Record |
Obituary | Beagle, Perce (07/09/1885 - 08/20/1972) | View Record |
Obituary | Anderson, Minnie (02/02/1892 - 08/25/1978) | View Record |
Cemetery Record | ANDERSON, OLE | View Record |