Charles "Chuck" Flood
Chuck Flood Dies In Lusk Saturday
Charles "Chuck" Flood, 52, resident of Casper for many years died in the Spencer Hospital Saturday. Food's death was attributed to complications following a ruptured appendix.
Flood first became ill on Mar. 30 and was taken to the Memorial Hospital in Casper. After failing to recover he was brought to the Spencer Hospital in Lusk on April 4. Dr. Walter E. Reckling was the family physician. Upon arriving in the Sencer Hospital his condition was declared serious and he underwent surgery. Following the operation he was given blood transfusions from members of the Wyoiming Highway Patrol and the Casper Police Dept. with whom he had worked many years.
Flood was well known throughout Wyoming for his work in photography. He served The Lusk Herald as engraver and photo advisor for the past few years. Flood recently sold his Casper business and became official photographer for the Wyoming Highway Patrol.
Flood served as photographer for the Casper Tribune-Herald. Perhaps his best picture wwas taken in 1948 when he was awarded a valuable prize by the Wabash Corp. for the "flash shot of the month." This photo was of an automobile accident on the Casper-Alcova highway. Flood was a memer of the Photographic Society of American, an organization which recognizes outstanding photographers.