Everett Orin Stewart
Everet Stewart of Lance Creek Dies in Sioux City
Note: The headline uses Everet, the Lusk Cemetery records use Evertt, and the body of the obituary uses Evert. This is entered as printed. However, the name used matches the gravestone, Everett O(rin).
The community was shocked last week upon hearing of the sudden death of Orin Evert Stewart, at a hospital in Sioux Falls, S. D., on Wednesday, July 10, where he had gone to undergo an operation for appendicitis and the draining of the gall bladder.
Mr. Stewart was well and favorably known in Niobrara county, and had been for many years superintending engineer of the pump station of the Illinois pipe line at Lance Creek.
Being in poor health, Mr. Stewart went to a hospital in Sioux Falls, S. D., some few weeks ago, and was operated on July 1. An incision was made for appendicitis, and for draining the gall bladder. From the effects of the ether administered, pneumonia developed shortly after the operation.
In some manner the stitches in the incision broke, and due to the pneumonia which had set in, the surgeons could not administer an anaesthetic. Mr. Stewart told them to go ahead and sew up the wound without an anaesthetic, which they did. He soon broke out in a cold sweat, and passed away shortly afterward.
The body was shipped to Lusk, funeral services taking placd Sunday afternoon from the First Baptist church, with Rev. B. F. Farrar officiating. A quartet composed of R. A. Faulk, Mrs. H. J. Templeton, Mrs. Taylor and C. C. Browning furnished the music at the church. At the grave, Harmony Masonic Lodge of Lusk officiated, with a Masonic funeral service. The Masonic quartet composed of Messrs. A. E. Johnson, R. A. Faulk, Ford B. Kuns and C. C. Browning, assisted in the srvices. The pallbearers were Lyle Archer, C. McElheny, F. J. Montague, C. Rice, P. W. Hennessey and D. W. Mounts.
The funeral was attended by many citizens from Lance Creek and Lusk, and many from out of the state, who came to pay their last respects to a fine citizen who had passed to his reward in the prime of life.
A complete obituary will be found in another column of The Herald.
OBITUARY - Orin Evert Stewart
Orin Evert Stewart was born at Marshall, Clark County, Illinois, May 30, 1884, and passed away Wednesday morning, July 10, 1929, following an operation for appendicitis and the draining of the gall bladder, which was performed at Sioux Falls, S. D., July 1, 1929. Thus he had reached but the prime of life, being 45 years, one month and 10 days of age.
From 1910 to 1919, Mr. Stewart was a locomotive engineer on the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railway, and during that time resided in Danville, Ill. While here he was identified with the United Brethren Church and the Masonic Lodge, where he was initiated on November 6, 1914, and raised November 30, 1914.
Ten years ago the deceased came to Wyoming and settled in the vicinity of Lusk, where he has since resided. For several years past Mr. Stewart has been superintending engineer of the pumping station of the Illinois pipe line, at Lance Creek, and was well and favorably
known hereabouts, where he possessed a host of friends.
Mr. Stewart was married to Blanche Wilson and to this union a daughter was born. Betty Lorain, who was four years old last August.
There remains to mourn his loss, the wife and three children, one daughter and two sons, and five brothers - Grant Stewart of Kansas City, Mo.; Frank Stewart and Ross Stewart of Marshall, Ill.; S. A. Stewart and H. C. Stewart of Danville, Ill.; two sisters, Mrs. Kate B. Newman of Newport, Artk., and Mrs. Emma Curtis, Terre Haute, Ind.
Funeral services were held at the First Baptist Church, Lusk, Wyo., on Sunday, July 14, Rev. B. F. Farrar officiating. Interment in Lusk Cemetery, with Masonic services by Lusk Harmony Masonic Lodge.