Obituary Details

Ethel E.V. Carr

(05/18/1919 - 01/31/1952)
Courtesy of The Lusk Herald, 02/21/1952

Mrs. Charles Carr Buried in Lusk Cemetery

Mrs. Charles Carr, 32, of Crawford, Nebr., died at the Lutheran Hospital in Hot Springs, S. Dak. Jan. 31 after a lingering illness. Funeral services were held in Crawford Sunday, Feb. 3. at the Church of the Nazarene. Burial was made in the Lusk cemetery. This community was the former home of her husband.

Ethel E. V. Pierce was the daughter of Howard and Cecile Pierce. She was born at Belmont, Nebr. May 18, 1919 and on Feb. 18, 1939 she was married to Charles Carr at Harrison. Nebr. They are the parents of three sons, who with her husband survive.

She is also survived by her parents, five brothers and four sisters.

Images & Attachments

Photo courtesy of Joshua Brackett's Eagle Scout Project

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