W. R. Frazier
W. R. Frazier Of Near Lance Creek Dies Of Poisoning
Coroner's Inquest Brings Verdict That Man Came to His Death From Poison, Self Administered. Body to Missouri.
Grief and sorrow brought to an end what might have been a happy birthday anniversary last Sunday, when death came to W. R. Frazier, 42 years old, shortly after he had taken a portion of calcium cyanide at his farm about 14 miles north of Lance Creek.
The deceased was a farmer, and had been at work in the fields of his place all morning, coming back to the house about 2 o'clock, where Mrs. Frazier had prepared a birthday dinner in his honor. For some reason or other, Mr. Frazier refused to eat and lay down on a cot and went to sleep instead. He evidently was not feeling well. After he had slept until about 4:30, Frazier got up and left the house, going to one of the outbuildings, which among other things, had been used as a garage and storehouse.
He was gone less than ten minutes when he returned to the house. He immediately took a drink of water and sat down on the cot again. Members of the family then noticed that he was breathing rapidly and evidently in great pain. They rushed him to the house of Joe Trephagan and Roscoe Ross, close neighbors and these two men hurried to lend aid.
Fraizer was in a semiconscious condition when they arrived a few minutes later and he was placed in Mr. Traphagan's car and started for Lusk for medical assistance, his son, Harry, accompanying. Dr. Watson had been called in the meantime and he started out to meet the party, joining them about 15 miles north of town. However, Frazier had died while being brought that far.
The body was brought on into Lusk and placed in charge of County Coroner, George Earl Peet, who after a brief examination, decided to hold an inquest. Sunday night, the coroner, accompanied by the Sheriff, Will Hassed and County Agent, Reeves went out to the Frazier place to make an investigation on the surroundings and to determine if possible, in what manner the poison had been administered. They spent all night at the place.
A coroner's jury was summoned Monday and the inquest was held that afternoon, the verdict being that Frazier had come to his death from calcium cyanide poisoning, self-administered. The jury was composed of George Waymouth, O. I. Stenger and Ralph Olinger.
It was evident that the man had taken the poison himself although no motive could be given by the family. He was in his usual spirits Sunday morning when he left to go to the field and upon his return in the early afternoon, no unusual change was noticed. According to the survivors there was nothing to cause him to wish to take his life.
After the inquest the remains were prepared for shipment by George Earl Peet, mortician and left here Tuesday afternoon for Boynton, Mo., where burial will take place, probably Friday. His widow and two sons accompanied the body.
Deceased was born at Boyton, Mo., April 19, 1889 and was just 42 years old at the time of death. He was married to Roxa Vaughn at Pollick, Mo., in 1909. To this union were born two children, Harry and Elihu, both of whom survive. His parents and one brother also are left to mourn his loss.
Frazier moved to this county about two years ago, entering in partnership with H. L. Bushnell in farming. He later leased the places known as the Fred Bertram and Carl Carlstrom farms and started in for himself. He was a hard working man and had made many friends during his residence in this section. The community joins in extending sincere condolences to the bereaved.