Obituary Details

Alice C. Fowler

(01/22/1884 - 07/27/1972)
Courtesy of The Lusk Herald, 07/27/1972

Services for Alice Fowler, Pioneer Resident, Artist and Musician

Funeral services for Miss Alice Fowler, pioneer Niobrara County resident, was held July 20 at 2:00 p.m. at the Peet Chapel. Miss Fowler died July 17 at the Niobrara County Hospital.

The Rev. Robert Boutwell conducted the service with Mrs. J. P. Watson, organist, accompanying soloist Susan Baribeau as she sang "Beyond the Sunset" and "Beautiful Isle." The Eastern Star funeral service was also held with burial in the Lusk Cemetery.

Casket bearers were Lafe Culver, Gerald Bardo, Menno Kaan, Robert Templeton, Merle Hahn and George Mill.

Miss Fowler was a member of a pioneer family that contributed much to the early life of Lusk. Her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Hobbs, came to Wyoming in 1880 homesteading part of what is now the Ira Lamb ranch.

Alice was born to John E. and Katherine Hobbs Fowler January 22, 1884, at Dickson, Tenn. In 1905 Mrs. Fowler, then a widow, moved with her daughter Alice and son Herbert to Lusk. Her husband and two other sons had died and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs, were still living in Lusk. Mrs. Hobbs died in 1911 and Mr. Hobbs in 1918. He was 92 at the time of his death.

Mrs. Fowler was an active member of the business and social life of Niobrara County and Lusk for 30 years, first operating a millinery shop in the thriving town, and when Mrs. Stillman, mother of Mrs. Frank Lusk established the Stillman Library, Mrs. Fowler was named librarian. When the Carnegie Library was started, Mrs. Fowler was immediately appointed librarian, a job she held until ill health forced her to retire in 1935. She moved to Las Ceuces, N.M., hoping the change in climate would be of benefit, and Alice accompanied her.

Mrs. Fowler died just a year later and Miss Fowler moved back to Lusk.

She was an accomplished musician herself and taught both piano and violin here for many years. Her personal interest and generosity to her students was extensive and largely unheralded with numerous acts of financial assistance, furthering their education. This assistance was often a burden on her own resources but was part of the contribution she made to her town.

Many, many references are found in the newspaper files of the early life of Lusk recording the great contribution she made to the social and cultural life of Lusk. She was instrumental in organizing many events and participated in many of them herself.

Miss Fowler was organist for the Congregational Church in Lusk for over 20 years. She was a charter member of Chapter I of the P.E.O. Sisterhood which was organized in Lusk on May 29, 1920. Earlier this year she took part in ceremonies commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the Chapter and was one of the three surviving charter members in attendance.

She was also a member of the Niobrara Chapter 26, Order of Eastern Star, joining in 1933, and serving that chapter as pianist for many years.

In later years Miss Fowler's artistic bent extended to include painting, principally for her personal enjoyment. This, too, she did well and became an accomplished artist. Her principal interest was in painting flowers.

All her immediate family died previously. Survivors include a sister-in-law, Mrs. Herbert (Mildred) Fowler, Cheyenne, and cousins, nephews and nieces.

The Fowler home in which the mother originally lived, was on the site of the present Mountain Belle Telephone Co. building. Miss Fowler sold the home and site for construction of the new building in 1965.

Images & Attachments


Cemetery pictures courtesy of Joshua Brackett's Eagle Scout Project


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