Obituary Details

Fred W. McNeil

(06/09/1894 - 08/17/1974)
Courtesy of The Lusk Herald, 08/22/1974

Former Resident Dies Saturday

Friends in this community were saddened to learn of the death of Fred W. McNeil Saturday evening. He died at the Converse County Hospital where he had been taken following a severe asthma attach.

Funeral service is being held this Wednesday at the Douglas Funeral Home at 2:00 p.m. Burial will be in the Douglas cemetery.

He is survived by his wife, Louise of Douglas; one daughter, Vera Cook of Altadena, Calif., and Howard McNeil of Yardley, Penn.; three grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

The couple had made Lance Creek their home for many years until moving to Douglas in the 1960s.

A complete obituary will be given next week.

Note:   The complete obituary was not found in subsequent issues of The Lusk Herald.

Images & Attachments

Mr. and Mrs. Fred McNeil celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary May 14, 1967.
Photo courtesy of Betty Alberts,
Sheriff's Office, July 1950. Fred McNeil, Deputy from Lance Creek; Ben Brown, Sheriff; Sam Thomas, Deputy Sheriff

Related/Linked Records

Record Type Name
Obituary Bensch, Fred (09/23/1912 - 04/30/1985) View Record
Obituary McNeil, Louise (06/01/1892 - 04/06/1993) View Record