Historical Details

Silver Cliff War Mothers' Cemetery Gate

Courtesy of The Lusk Herald, 07/31/1938

"Among Home Folks", by Nellie S. Griffith

I was out at the cemetery the other morning and viewed the fine new gateway which has just been completed through the efforts of the Silver Cliff War Mothers of Lusk.

The gateway is an imposing structure of native stones set in cement.  Two tall pillars stand on either side of a wide driveway, then a solid wall of the same structure slopes downward from either pillar and on each side an arched opening forms a gateway for pedestrians.

Now, if the city can only put in walks leading from the gateways to the cemetery,  the effect will be very pretty indeed.

Set in each of the large pillars is a bronze tablet, on the west, the tablet is inscribed to the memory of World War Veterans of Niobrara County, and the one on the east states that the gateway was erected by the Silver Cliff chapter of American War Mothers. 

This is surely a beautiful addition to the cemetery and a fine memorial to the War Mothers of Lusk. it is something that will endure long after all who have it erected have passed through its portals for the last time.


The Lusk Herald, July 31, 1938

Silver Cliff War Mothers Hold Regular Meeting

The Silver Cliff War Mothers chapter met Saturday, July 16th at the ranch home of Mrs. Beard, arriving at ten o'clock a.m. The following named members were present: Mesdames Roy Rice, Rosson, Duel, Wise, Crelley, Gabbart, McMurtry, Gray, Goddard, Fosher, and Beard.

Mrs. Gray's niece, Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. Emil Klemke were welcome visitors. The mothers are deeply grateful to Mrs. Olive Johnson, Mrs. Rulo Roberts, and Mrs. Emil Klemke for transportation. After enjoying a fried chicken dinner, the regular business meeting was held. Among other things a strong vote of thanks was extended to Mr. Albright, Mr. Peet, Mr. Payne and Mr. Lorenzen, for their unfailing efforts and enthusiasm in the construction of the memorial gateway,  and to each and every one who helped in any way.

The War Mothers are delighted with the beautiful gateway and the success of the project for which they have worked for so long. 

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