Lusk High School Building Plans Considered
Architects have advised the Niobrara County School Board that the proposed addition to the present Lusk High School to convert it to a grade and junior high will cost in the neighborhood of $150,000. Meanwhile the board is debating whether to call for bids on the addition alone or to incorporate the call with that for the new county high school.
The board met last Thursday evening to discuss building plans and other matters and will hold another meeting July 17. Eugene D. Sternberg and Robert Murrin, architects, came to Lusk Wednesday and remained to Friday morning, going over plans and visiting Lance Creek where construction of the new gymnasium has started.
The resignations of three teachers were accepted, that of Miss Margaret Lee of Lance Creek; James Kenegy, who had been hired to replace Earl O'Dell, mathematics teacher in Lusk High; and Mrs. Katherine Knight of the Van Tassell school.
One new teacher, Carl E. Crona, was given a contract to teach the language arts in the upper grades at Lusk, the position held last year by Leroy Train.
Mr. Crona will receive his A.B. degree at Colorado State Teachers College at Greeley in August, He has majored in English with minors in Spanish and business education. His home is at Longmont and he is unmarried.
A group of Van Tassell patrons met with the board to discuss the possibility of running a high school student bus to Van Tassell. No decision was made Both the Board and other patrons agreed to give the matter further consideration.
The Board did adopt a policy of employing drivers of district owned buses on the same basis as teachers and other employees --that of ability, character, etc., rather on a basis of bids.
Permission was granted for the use of a school bus to take 4-H members and Boy Scouts to their separate camps, and authorization was made for the Lance Creek bus to bring swimming students to Lusk once a week to participate in the Red Cross Swimming classes.