Historical Details

Governor to Urge Spanish Diggings Park

Courtesy of Wyoming Newspaper Project, 10/12/1915

A personal request to Secretary of the Interior Franklin K. Lane to set aside a portion of the "Spanish Diggings" for a National Scientific park is to be made by Governor John B. Kendrick during a ten day's official business trip to Washington D.C. for which place he departed yesterday morning.

Land and irrigation matters and other maters relating to development work also will be taken up with the Department of the Interior.

Before returning, the governor will visit with his son and daughter who are in school in the east.

Initially published in the Wyoming Semi-Weekly Tribune


Idea Doesn't Appeal to Settlers on the Land

A correspondent of the Lost Spring Times takes a fall out of the proposition to establish a national park of the so-called "Spanish Diggings." He says:

"The proposition by some hair-brained professor to withdraw from entry about one hundred square miles of land around what is known as the Spanish Diggings, about eight miles south of Keeline, is a piece of bunk that is taking up a lot of space in some newspapers. The fact is the Spanish Diggings is a knoll with a stone quarry where Indians made arrow heads and war clubs in the long ago. On the top of the hill some white man sunk a shaft which has since filled up nearly to the top. The land for miles around has been filed on two or three years ago and the country is fairly well settled. Now at the behest of some stone-cracker from the east, the proposition is to run the settlers out and turn it over to a park. A more ridiculous proposition was never made and yet papers in this county are boosting it. When a bunch of settlers have changed a sagebrush and rattlesnake "park" into a country full of fertile fields of waving grain it makes one tired to have such a proposition boosted here at home."

Douglas Budget, August 8,1915

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