Business Details

Lusk Blossom Shop

The Lusk Herald, April 3, 1941

Flower Shop Opens In Lusk Wednesday

A long needed service, that of carrying a complete stock of cut flowers and potted plant, opened its doors to the public Wednesday of this week in Lusk when Mrs. Warren Schroefel sallied forth as Lusk's florist. 

Located at her residence one block east and one block south of the court  house, Mrs. Schroefel has installed refrigeration which will enable her to keep a fine stock of flowers for every occasion.

The Lusk Herald, January 22, 1942

"Blossom Shop now in the Ben Franklin Store

Since moving from town to a rural residence it has been necessary for Mrs. Warren Schroelfel to move the Lusk Blossom Shop and it will now be open at the Ben Franklin Store, operated by Mrs. Schroefel and Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Edmonson.


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