Lusk Pantitorium
The Lusk Herald, January 5, 1911
"Demmon Building
Men's Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Ladies' Suits a Specialty
C.S. Erb----Proprietor"
The Lusk Herald, March 16, 1911
French Dry Cleaning Machine
C.S. Erb, presser of pantaloons, cleaner of coats and vamper of vests, has added a very important machine to his outfit. This is a dry-cleaning apparatus, which is said to do the work in a most thorough manner, removing every speck of dust and grease and making the garment look as though it had just been purchased new. It is especially adapted for the cleaning of ladies' suits and it it should turn out to be a great convenience to the ladies of Lusk in assisting them to keep up the very neat and natty appearance for which they are famed. give it a trial and show Mr. Erb that you appreciate his desire to give the Lusk people the best and latest in his line of business.
The Lusk Herald, September 25, 1913
Do you want to buy stockings and hose that will not wear out? Go to the old Demmon building and find out about them. We also have other things that might interest you, Call and see us. The Lusk Pantitorium.
The Lusk Herald, November 20, 1913
Mrs. Etta Brownrigg has established the Lusk Pantitorium in the Rouse building next to the City Meat Market and is now ready for business.
The Lusk Herald, December 4, 1913
"Lusk Pantitorium in the Rouse Building."