Birth Details

Joe Lee Wiggins

Born 06/22/1984
Gender: M
Courtesy of The Lusk Herald, 07/05/1984

Joe and Kellie Wiggins of Lusk announce the birth of a son, Joe Lee, born June 22 at the Niobrara County Memorial Hospital. Maternal grandparents are Merilyn and Alva DeWitt of Lusk and Ray Hitt of Leavenworth, Wash. Maternal great-grandparents are James and Irene Duterrow of Olympian, Wash., and Leonard DeWitt of Baker, Ore. Paternal grandparents are Charles and Lovona Wiggins of Lusk. Pauline Penn of Torrington is the paternal great-grandmother.

Images & Attachments

Betty Percival presented Kellie Wiggins and her infant son, Joe Lee, with a $20 beef gift certificate for having the baby closest to Father's Day, as Arlene Zerbst, Lucille Shoults, Leona McMaster and Mary Rose Freeman add their congratulations.

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