Birth Details

Kenzie Ann Miller

Born 08/10/1994
Gender: F
Courtesy of The Lusk Herald, 08/24/1994

On Aug. 10, 1994, Jerry and Patti Miller, Sheridan, welcomed a new daughter, Kenzie Ann, into their family.

Kenzie Ann was born on Wednesday, Aug. 10 at Sheridan Memorial Hospital, weighing seven pounds eight ounces and was 20 inches in length.

The Millers have three other children, Ryan, 11, Kari 9, and Alex 6.

Grandparents of Kenzie Ann are Edie Wilson of Lusk, Johyn Wilson of Casper and Mildred Miller of Lusk.

Kenzie Ann's great-grandparents are Della Wilson and Lillian Rodeman of Casper and Dan Rodeman of Cheyenne.

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