Register now for Summer Reading
- Date(s): Tuesday, May 5th 2015 - Wednesday, July 8th 2015
- Time: 1:30 p.m.
- Location: Niobrara County Library
It’s time to register for the library’s Summer Reading program, “Every Hero Has a Story!” Join Children’s Librarian, Cindy Linneman for this thematic program that will feature stories, activities and fun all centered on heroes and the story of our heroes. Activity hours will be held each Wednesday, June 3 through July 8 at 1:30 p.m. Reading incentives, activities, crafts and prizes are all included in the fun. This year, a bedtime math Summer Program is also included! Call the library at 334-3490 or stop by to register today!
Benefits to readers include:
1. encouragement that reading become a lifelong habit
2. reluctant readers can be drawn in by the activities
3. reading over the summer helps children keep up reading skills
4. generates interest in the library and books