Niobrara County News

Library News

The second of three Reading is Fundamental (RIF) programs will be held Wednesday, March 9 at 6:30 p.m.. Plan now to attend!

Income tax forms as well as IRS publications are available at the library. Many forms are available at no charge; however some require a copying charge. Forms and publications are also available online at

The Friends of the Library reordered their cookbook “Favorite Recipes.” Originally published in 2002 the book is full of recipes of many of Niobrara County’s finest. The cookbook is $10.00 and proceeds also benefit the Endowment Fund. As you know, meeting the Kresge Challenge was just the first step in the endowment’s long-term goal of 1.5 million. Copies are available at the library.

Thank you all for continuing to save your Decker receipts, currently the library has collected $118,240.76 towards the $150,000 goal. The Friends of the Library use funds collected from this program to purchase children’s books. Next time you see Kenny Decker extend your thanks for this great program that has benefited our library tremendously – and keep saving your receipts!

New books in the adult library include “Beyond a Doubt” by Colleen Cable, “My Jim” by Nancy Rawles, “Little Sister Lost” by Anthony J. Sacco, “Shades of Red” by Doris Mortman, “Honeymoon” by James Patterson, “Prairie Soul” by Jeffery A. Lockwood, “The Great Divide” by Gary Ferguson, “Glimpses of the Devil” by M. Scott Peck and “The New High Intensity Training” by Ellington Darden.

Our junior readers will enjoy “Help! Somebody Get Me Out of the Fourth Grade” and “The Night I Flunked My Field Trip!” by Henry Winkler.

For our younger readers, there is “Dora Goes to School” by Leslie Valdes and “Dora’s Chilly Day” by Kiki Thorpe.

“Green!” is the theme for the next Storyhour on Tuesday, March 15 at 10 a.m. This program is held every Tuesday throughout the year from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m children 3 through kindergarten.

334-3274 is the Dial-A-Story number. Dial-A-Story is sponsored by the Friends of the
Library. Dial in and hear an exciting story today!

Stop by and Visit Us Soon!