eReaders are now available for check out from the library, loaded with three eBooks through the 3M Cloud Library!
Call or stop by the library to reserve the eReader and then go to the library website, scroll down to 3M Cloud Library. Select three books using your library card number and PIN. Once you have your selections made they will be transferred to the device for a 2 week checkout. This is a great way to try out an eReader or maybe to read a title you’ve wanted to read in larger type.
If you already have an eReader or mobile device you can borrow books from the Virtual Library (ePub readers, mobile devices and the Kindle), the 3M Cloud Library (ePub, mobile and Kindle Fire) and Freading (ePub, mobile devices and Kindle Fire). You need your library card number and PIN and depending on your reader you may need to download Adobe Digital Editions to your computer for transferring titles. Stop by or call for more information!