The monthly dinner and movie series continues Monday, February 28 at 6 p.m. with “All the Pretty Horses.” A young Texan drifter named John Grady Cole seeks a better life in Mexico, but when he crosses the border, all he finds is adventure and hardships. “All the Pretty Horses” is based on the book of the same name by Cormac McCarthy and stars Matt Damon and Penelope Cruz. A light meal will be served followed by discussion led by Deane Tucker.
One of our newer authors is Daniel Palmer. His debut novel, “Delirious” is about Charlie Giles, an electronic superstar who has sold his startup company to a giant Boston firm, where he is now a senior director. He’s treated like a VIP everywhere he goes until the day when his job and his inventions are wrenched away. His family is targeted and his former employers are dying gruesomely…one by one. Every shred of evidence points to
Charlie, soon he is unable to tell if he is the victim of a relentless diabolical attack or the cold-blooded killer everyone thinks he is. Sure to be a page-turner!
Other new fiction books include “Clara and Mr. Tiffany” by Susan Vreeland, “The Border Lords” by T. Jefferson Parker, “To Have and To Kill” by Mary Jane Clark, “Left Neglected” by Lisa Genova, “Damage” by John Lescroart, “The Lake of Dreams” by Kim Edwards and “In Too Deep” by Jayne Ann Krentz. “Dark Flame” by Alyson Noel is now available along with the rest of the “Immortals” series in the YA section.
New non-fiction books are “Lighten up: Love What You Have, Have What You Need, Be Happier With Less” by Peter Walsh, “Bird Cloud: a Memoir” by Annie Proulx and “Self-Sufficiency: a Complete Guide to Baking, Carpentry, Crafts, Organic Gardening, Preserving Your Harvest, Raising Animals, and More!” edited by Abigail R. Gehring.
The Lennea Lewis Slagle Children’s Library has these new junior books by Jake Maddox: “Take Down,” “Free Climb,” “Speed Switch” and “Slam Dunk Shoes” plus “Hit Or Miss” by Laurie McElroy. New easy titles include “Brontorina” by James Howe and these Look and Find Books: “Mater the Greater,” Super Why” and “Eek! That’s Creepy.”
Have you completed our eReader survey? We are looking at ways to bring digital ebooks to our library patrons, so please take a minute to do the survey.
334-3274 is the Dial-A-Story number. Dial-A-Story is sponsored by the Friends of the Library. Dial in and hear an exciting story today!