Wyoming Author Wins Publisher’s Prize
Sacco’s Little Sister Lost Earns Publisher’s Choice Award
Anthony J. (Tony) Sacco, published by iUniverse, Inc., the leading provider in the United States of publishing technology solutions for authors, announced today that his latest novel, Little Sister Lost, has won his publisher’s Editor’s Choice Award, a prestigious prize given to fewer than ten percent of its authors annually.
Mr. Sacco will be a the Niobrara County Library in Lusk on Thursday, June 2, 2005 at 12:00 noon for a Brown Bag Lunch Program at which he’ll discuss his books, answer questions, and sign copies of his books.
Little Sister Lost, published in mid-November, is creative non-fiction with both secular and religious themes. Sacco, an investigator who specializes in searching for missing people, says, “The book is based on the first investigation I ever did after entering the business in 1990. When a lawyer hired me to find the sister of his deceased client, neither of us realized that within a week I’d be delving in the world of Alger Hiss, Whittaker Chambers, Richard Nixon and the House Un-American Activities committee.”
The first draft was completed back in 1994, after two years of writing a bit every day. “At the time making a living was paramount,” Sacco laughed. “So I was only able to write for an hour or so a day. And there was no time to really learn what writing was all about.”
Predictably, what Sacco thought was the finished product was a sterile description of his investigation. He set it aside, spent time and effort learning his craft, and wrote his first fact-based fiction novel, The China Connection, a political thriller with moral overtones, based upon actual events occurring in the mid-90s. Published in 2003, it was a marketing success, garnering praise from readers as far away as London. “So, I dug Little Sister Lost out of a desk drawer, dusted it off and re-wrote it, giving it a plot, a romance angle and describing Matt Dawson’s spiritual struggle to understand that God loves him unconditionally.”
Sacco, who moved to Pine Bluffs with his wife, Carol, in July 2004, holds degrees from Loyola College in Baltimore and the University of Maryland Law School. He is also a freelance writer who has had articles of political and social commentary published in The Baltimore Sun, The Washington Times, The Catholic Review and the Pine Bluffs Post. In addition, he writes monthly columns for the Wyoming Catholic Register and WREN (Wyoming Rural Electric News).
Both novels will be available for purchase at the Brown Bag Lunch Program or from the publishers, by calling toll-free, 1-877-288-4737. For more information about this program contact the Niobrara County Library at 307-334-3490.